Valued Professional Identity
Celebrating the Value and Essential Role of Internal Medicine Specialists and Subspecialists
Use the hashtag #IMProud on social media and share your professional pride.
One of our strategic priorities is to celebrate, and effectively articulate, the unique and evolving impact of internal medicine specialists and subspecialists in the broader health care environment. With input from a diverse advisory group of early career ACP members, we began an effort to create a more unifying voice for the profession and increase awareness of the benefits of internal medicine in today’s health care delivery models.
Research based on surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews, and concept testing with internal medicine specialists, subspecialists, other health care leaders, and the public were conducted to inform the development of a creative strategy that will roll out in fall 2022 through various multi-media channels.
These efforts will build on the successes of other opportunities we’ve established to celebrate and highlight internal medicine as a profession, such as the annual National Internal Medicine Day recognition on October 28th and our I.M. Proud initiative.
Advancing Primary Care
ACP is engaged in several initiatives to support, advance, and improve the future of primary care and internal medicine specialists. As a co-founder of Primary Care for America, and as an Executive Member of the Primary Care Collaborative, we continue to advocate for increased primary care investment, and the importance of innovation in primary care delivery and payment models, patient engagement, and benefit redesign. In a Forbes article published in November 2021, I co-authored “Hidden in Plain Sight: We Must Leverage Primary Care to Mitigate Covid-19", which outlined how primary care helped to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic to build public trust and boost vaccination rates.
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