Innovation and Strategic Alignment
ACP is at the forefront of guiding internal medicine physicians in the skillful, effective, and ethical integration of patient care technologies and digital health. We’re partnering and collaborating with others to help evaluate and adopt emerging technologies that help optimize clinical care, the patient-physician relationship, and systems/workflows. We are also dedicated to expanding the IM physician insights and influence toward the design of new solutions.
Therefore, over the past year ACP launched a collaboration with the American Medical Association’s Health2047 with the goal of inspiring innovative solution design by and for physicians, and stimulating the development of innovative physician-advised health equity solutions through entrepreneurship.
Additionally, ACP collaborated with the American Telemedicine Association and the Organization for the Review of Care and Health Applications (ORCHA) on a new U.S. framework for assessing digital health technologies, including mobile apps and web-based tools used by healthcare professionals and consumers. As part of this effort, ACP also launched a pilot test of a library of health apps reviewed against the framework to help determine how the library can be useful to internal medicine physicians in recommending high-value digital health tools to their patients. Feedback from the ACP pilot program, as well as input from digital health technology companies, healthcare professionals, consumers, and other stakeholders will continue to help improve the framework.
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