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Online Learning Center
ACP’s Online Learning Center is home to hundreds of CME- and MOC-certified learning activities to help improve your knowledge and practice. Meet state-based requirements for Substance Use Disorder, Ethics and Professionalism, Pain Management, Opioid Management, Human Trafficking, and more. Quickly find what you need with enhanced search functionality. Activities are free or discounted for ACP members.
Options include:
  • Video-based learning
  • Podcasts
  • Interactive cases
  • Articles
Internal Medicine Meeting
ACP’s annual Internal Medicine Meeting is the premier educational event in internal medicine. The meeting spans 3 days and offers a wide range of scientific sessions, hands-on learning, and networking opportunities. It’s a chance for all internal medicine colleagues to share knowledge, exchange ideas, experience a sense of collegiality, and earn CME credit and MOC points. In-person and virtual livestream registration options are available, with discounts for ACP members and groups.
Whether you’re interested in lively discussions on clinically influential Annals articles, the history of medicine, or informal dialogue and interviews with internal medicine experts addressing the wide scope of internal medicine practice, ACP has a podcast for you.
Get a quick summary of the latest Annals content by listening to the twice-monthly Annals Latest Highlights podcast. In addition, ACP members can listen, learn, and earn free CME credit and MOC points when they engage with one of the following podcasts:
  • Annals On Call
  • Bedside Rounds
  • Core IM
  • The DEI Shift
In the Clinic
In the Clinic is a monthly Annals of Internal Medicine feature developed by the editors in collaboration with external physician writers using source material from MKSAP, ACP clinical guidelines, practice improvement modules, and more. It provides evidence-based, practical information on common problems encountered by practicing internal medicine physicians or hospitalists. A MKSAP-based quiz accompanies each issue, allowing readers to obtain CME credit and MOC points upon completion (free to members and subscribers).
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